Poetry & Art
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Poetry & Art by Bands & Fans.
If you would like to submit a poem or artwork, please do.

Racism by Alisha Carroll (copyright 1988)
You spit out your vulgarity
so that passersby get wet
They sheild themselves with walls of pride
but your harshness shatters the walls
into so many pieces
there's no hope to rebuild.
  January One by Alisha Carroll (copyright '97)
Cold wind brushes my skin
the sky looks like blush
I am alone
yet I am surrounded by so many
As I step, I hear the snow
crackle beneath my feet
The Heaven's cry frozen tears
as do I
I lay the flowers down
whisper goodbye
& slowly walk away

Christmas Card by Alisha Carroll (copyright '95)
Here I sit on Christmas eve
I'm having a really bad day
All my family is singing
I had to get away

I went to the beach
it was a lonely stretch
so I took out my pen
& began to sketch

I looked up and saw a bird
it flew right over me & dropped a turd
I got so mad that I threw my pen
now I'd have to do my sketch all over again

So, I looked & looked all over the land
I couldn't find my pen, it was lost in the sand
I found a rock & threw it at the birds
they all got mad & dropped more turds

I tried to walk but was covered in shit
no moral to this story, I just thought I'd tell it

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The Orange Punk
Got bored at work one day, had way too much time on hands for this one!
Say what you wanna say here.

My little Lady
You know how parents are, they have to show off how cute their kids are, well, this is my kid.

Photos, Poetry & Art