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no one else to blame - vladimir valette 2002
Is there a difference between love and hate, I think not
You learn your mate inside and out and everything ends up shot
Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we try
To feel the need to complete ourselves with someone elses touch

Our first love are our parents, they hold us and cherish us
They say the three words we long to hear then we throw them away
For someone elses regurgitation, real or counterfeit
We give ourselves away for the acceptance of others

The acceptance we search for though
Is not a pithy kind, no, what we want, what we long for
We wish for happiness that we can't give ourselves
The love we see on tv and silver screens that fades as fast as it comes

In the end, when it is all said and done
No wrong committed, just a candles burn left to hear
Nothing but the turmoil inside your heart churning in rapture
And your brain takes control to analyze and discuss
Pain turns to disgust and the guns point back at you
You hate him, you hate her, you did It again

another working class day by vladimir valette 2002
Part of this world, I could never be
The sounds of churning, another working class day
Constantly dreaming, the ground I am afraid to see
You lead me, hope I follow but I can't bear to leave
My secret hiding place here in my dreams
My hopes, my tears, my single-minded goals

There's no hope for me
But you still have time
To walk in their footsteps
The niche they carve for you
The life that they've planned

My roots are unsettled
I love but I can't stay
For self love is all that I need
They say I am uncertain
My words are of no use
I want to succeed

One man's dream is another's apology
Along the way, you fall back in line
You call my name to stay here with you
The sounds of the old world, the steel and the ore
A slave of the grind, the life of a bore
If this is not the real world, I cast myself out
Of the fresh aired prison you refuse to leave

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