ISGP Favorite Bands
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Music of the Moment
Here you will find the top 10 favorite bands of the ISGP staff.

(All art on this page was created by Alisha)

Alisha's Faves
1. Anything Box
2. Goodbye July
3. Cause and Effect
4. Endora
5. Morado
6. Mesh
7. Depeche Mode
8. Darklight
9. The Echoing Green
10. OMD
Allie's Top 10
1. Blue Suede
2. Anything Box
3. OMD
4. Ray Charles
5. The Everly Brothers
6. Elvis
7. The Righteous Brothers
8. Nat King Cole
9. Dinah Washington
10. Dean Martin
David M. & his Awesome List
1. Madness
2. The Specials
3. No Doubt
4. One Against All
5. Laughing Stalk
6. Lucy Tuesday
7. Samantha's Game
8. Kiss The Clown
9. The Decepticans
10. Off White

These lists change from time to time depending on our moods.